A Journey of Self-Discovery Designed to Change Your Life for the Better

Photo by Candace Waldeck on Unsplash.png

According to Dr. Ben Lynch, author of the book Dirty Genes, our genetic destiny isn’t fixed in stone. It can be changed, edited, and rewritten. We can actually clean up our genes. 

You may have heard people talking about gene therapy or epigenetics — the idea that you can turn your genes’ expression on and off though a combination of diet, supplements, sleep, stress relief and reduced exposure to environmental toxins. We’re all gradually becoming aware of these toxins in our food, water, and the air we breathe. They’re even found in products we use, like mascara and facial cleansers.

As a physical therapist and nutrigenomics health coach, I’ve studied and achieved multiple certifications in this amazing new field. Cleaning our genes isn’t about popping another pill. It requires a broad approach. If our goal is increased vitality, energy and enjoyment in life, we need to consider a few lifestyle changes, and even change our thoughts.

Changing Our Routines

Changing the way I live? This is where some patients give up before they even get started.  “I can’t do that,” they exclaim, or “my husband would never go for that, or “my wife won’t let me.”

We all have daily routines for getting things done. Routines are good, certainly, they allow us to function more efficiently. But what about our lifetime goals? What do we accomplish, aside from getting through another day?

Are we fulfilling any of our own personal goals and those of our family? Or have we developed routines to please others, to fulfill their expectations? Our own hopes and dreams are pushed to the back of the closet, year after year, until we decide it’s just too much trouble to dig through all those layers of “wouldn’t it be nice—“ or “maybe someday—“

Until the morning, we wake up and realize how many years have slipped away while we placed others’ needs before our own. Is it too late to recover that eagerness for adventure? Can we rebuild our own health? Can we feel safe, strong, joyous?

What was it you wanted, anyway? Do you remember?

The most common response, I find, is one of practicality: “Who has time for all that?” 

According to Edward Barrett Warman, author of Warman’s Physical Training: The Care of the Body (published in 1889):

“the important thing to you is not how many years in your life but how much life in your years.”

The crux of the matter is your own self worth. Truly, you won’t take care of yourself unless you care about yourself.

What is the value of you? Are you capable of loving yourself? The most valuable thing we can offer in our limited lifespan is time. Can you make time for yourself? Are you worth it? Because, honestly, that’s the question most of us avoid, or refuse to answer.

“Oh, I don’t have time for that,” or “well, maybe when I retire.”

Other things, other people’s desires always take precedence. Sometimes, we even forget to breathe. You may plan a vacation, a weekend at the shore or a trip to the mountains. But when you go, you take along your negative thinking and unresolved emotional issues. Is it any wonder you return feeling more stressed than ever? 

Learn How to Love Yourself

You need a guide, not only to plan your next vacation, but to learn how to think new thoughts, speak positively and apply some basic self-care. To learn how to love and care for yourself.

Sounds a bit pie-in-in-the sky, doesn’t it?

But it is utterly practical. If you don’t care for yourself, you won’t be much use to those you love, plain and simple.

Take care of you. Put on your own oxygen mask first.   



Ready for a real vacation? Treat yourself to a weekend away. Immerse yourself in a holistic program designed to open your mind and help you listen to your body’s innate wisdom. Learn to think, breathe, discover, and enjoy your life.

Join us for our next Weekend Vitality Retreat. This is an amazing opportunity to seek peace and healing within yourself. Give yourself the gift of a weekend of self-care. Learn to take time for you, so you can be there for others, whole and re-energized. Your time is now. For more information, please contact us at 518-248-7217, and reserve your spot. Imagine how good it will feel, to be yourself again.

Amanda A. Carpenter