What can we do to be kinder to ourselves and add more self-care to our daily lives? The information on health and wellness can seem overwhelming, but let's start with the basics... The five non-negotiables: Mindset, Movement, Diet, Stress, and Sleep. Here are some simple self-care tips for winter (and beyond) to help you slow down and nourish your mind, body, and spirit.

  • Read a book. The colder months are a great time to curl up with a warm blanket and a good book. Try leaving your phone in the other room too so you can unplug and enjoy the moment.

  • Go for a walk. Movement is essential and you are in a body that thrives on it. If the weather is nice enough, bundle up and go for a walk. Fresh air and a little sunshine is always beneficial. But if it's too cold out, even something as simple as walking into another room can get you out of a negative mindset. You’ll see how movement and mindset changes go together. 

  • Great time to watch an inspiring movie. I love "Finding Joe" an inspirational documentary on following your bliss, which can have a tremendous impact on our health.

  • Nourish yourself with warm cooked foods that are easier to digest. Try our recipe for easy Crock-Pot Butternut Squash Soup. This set-it-and-forget it meal includes cinnamon and apple that work in tandem to pull out the sweetness of the butternut squash while the bone broth adds depth to the soup.

  • Enjoy a warming cup of tea. Try an organic herbal tea for detox or to calm your nervous system. My favorite is Tulsi tea (also known as Holy Basil) because it's delicious and has numerous health benefits!

  • Sleep in. As humans, we are meant to sleep when it's dark. Getting more sleep in the winter months can support our health and immune system.

  • Cook a blueberry pie. Not only will it get your house smelling delicious, but blueberries have wonderful anti-viral properties to support our immune system. I encourage you to check out Anthony William's book Life-Changing Foods. He also has a great recipe for blueberry pie!

Remember to take care of you. When you create an easy, holistic approach for yourself it can make health more enjoyable.