Photo by Anne Preble on Unsplash

Photo by Anne Preble on Unsplash


by Barbara Carson Todd

The Power You Seek Is Already In Your Hands

Once, when I walked into a supermarket, I was only concerned about price and “sell-by” dates. Now, I’m looking for a whole lot more, and product freshness isn’t at the top of the list.

My top three “must-haves:”

1)     A Non GMO verified seal. This relatively new way of evaluating food in the United States was a dynamic mind-shift for many parents. When The Non GMO Project began in Berkeley, California and Toronto, Canada in 2007, it’s organizers had no idea it would become the fastest-growing resource for people who want to eat healthy. As of 2019, their Product Verification Program is subscribed to by more than 3,000 brands representing over 50,000 products. 

2)     Well-researched products. No more impulse buys. Business owners who provide healthy, nutritious products attract steady customers. It’s good policy. Why is that Non GMO and/or organic seal so important? Our country’s agricultural production changed drastically more than fifty years ago. You can read this lengthy report, but YouTube videos like Genetic Roulette: The Gamble Of Our Lives concisely describe our current situation and why impulse buys are so dangerous. Know what’s safe and stick to those products.

3)    Damage control.  Now, I buy food to help my family re-build their immune systems, weakened by toxins. For years, I assumed our food was safe. I didn’t know any better. My children have been affected by the (unmarked genetically modified) food products we trustingly purchased in our local supermarkets. One child has been severely damaged,  costing our family thousands of dollars for therapies, supplements and other interventions. So I’m not just concerned. I’ve spent years digging up answers, like fellow parent and food industry analyst Robyn O’Brien. Her book, The Unhealthy Truth, offers a wealth of practical information on protecting your children from hidden toxins.

What power do ordinary parents have against the US food industry and the FDA? Quite a lot, actually. Where you spend your hard-earned cash matters, and the choice is yours.

The profit-hungry CEOs who run our country’s food industry assume you’re too busy to research and make the connection between GMO foods and the illnesses that plague you and your children.

I think you’re a lot smarter than that.

They underestimate the lengths parents will go to, to protect the ones they love. 

So, do your research and make a list before you walk into your supermarket. If their selection of Non GMO verified and organic products is limited, speak to the manager. Most already know parents are catching on. They see the organic and Non GMO foods disappearing from the shelves. Other parents are seeing the same results I do; our children are healthier and happier.

The power is in our hands. All of us, together, can protect our children. One purchase at a time.

This article was originally published on Medium/Sugar Free Zone.