
“Just wait. Next year will be better.” We all heard that phrase a lot last year. And it’s okay to admit that you may have said it yourself at one point too. I do believe that it’s good to look ahead, but what we shouldn’t do is just wait for things to get better. It’s springtime already and we need to up our game!

So how do we do that? Especially when we’re all still trying to manage our “new” work-life rhythm? We need to shift out of a waiting mindset and set goals that we can look forward to.

Self-Care Is Different For Everyone

Take a moment to check in with yourself, with what I like to call a “Spot Check”. Where you are you emotionally right now? Where is your energy level right now? What floats to the top? Is it something that depletes your energy? If so, let’s find a feeling or situation that helps you charge your energy reserves. Maybe it’s spending time with your partner, kids, or pet? Or cozying up on the couch and reading a book? Self-care looks different for everyone, so what makes you feel happy and grounded, might be something that’s completely different for someone else.

I personally think that the best medicine for any crisis is just getting outside. Here in the Adirondacks, Jason and I like to go for a hike to get our bodies moving, get some sunlight, and breathe in some fresh air. These quiet moments, with just a few dedicated hikers out on the trails, are something precious.

Springtime Renewal

With the changing seasons, there will be blooming trees with tender green leaves, an abundance of wild grasses, herbs, and vegetation bursting forth. Springtime is amazing up here in the mountains and can hold the beautiful blessings of renewal for each of us. We may face the challenges, but we can learn and grow from them. Just for a moment, don’t look ahead, take a breath and look within. See the good in your current situation and choose to enjoy it.

Unplug and Give Yourself A Break

Don’t let all the fear and speculation drive you into anxiety and overwhelm. In fact, unplug and give yourself a social media/news break. Here at COR Health Solutions, we often recommend fasting to cleanse your gut. It’s an essential part of any healing practice, to give your body a chance to recover. It can also apply to news and social media, from the endless scrolling through one scenario after another. Step away from fear, worry, and anxiety. Let it go. They don’t serve you.

Take a deep breath and let yourself enjoy life. Just for a few minutes, an hour. Your body needs rest. Humans don’t function well in a constant fight-or-flight state. But when you can gently shift in your awareness and take a breath, the kindness to yourself will help recharge your life battery and build your personal resilience.

Give yourself the gift of time. Learn how you can heal from all this stress and join us for one of our upcoming HeartMath Coaching sessions or book a one-on-one session today! Time is finite, but we can improve our capacity. It’s always good to know you’re not alone and together we can help each other through.